Exam Schedule
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Obtaining your Amateur (HAM) Radio License
We hope you decide to pursue your Amateur License. It opens a life time of enjoyment and discovery.
- You can visit The FCCfor more information.
- All Amateur License Tests are multiple choice, based on the approved NCVEC Question Pools.
- Technician Class Exam
- 35 Questions
- Passing score of 26
- 2022-2026 NCVEC Tech Pool Valid 7/01/2022 – 6/30/2026
- The No-Nonsense Technician-Class License Study Guide(pdf)(courtesy of KB6NU)
- General Class Exam
- 35 Questions
- Passing score of 26
- 2023-2027 NCVEC General PoolValid 7/01/2023 – 6/30/2027
- Amateur Extra Class Exam
- 50 Questions
- Passing score of 37
- 2024-2028 NCVEC Extra PoolValid 7/01/2024 – 6/30/2028
VE Team Accredidation
- VE's or Volunteer Examiners are average hams who have agreed to be impartial proctors on behalf of the FCC, and who are registered with a VEC.
- The 721st MCB VE Team is accredited thru the Laurel ARC VEC.
- We are happy to continue their tradition of offering Amateur Radio Exams to all free of charge since 1984.
- VE Roster
Exam sessions will be the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00PM.
Schedule :
- Thursday, January 16 (Register)
- Thursday, February 20 (Register)
- Thursday, March 20 (Register)
- Thursday, April 17 (Register)
- Thursday, May 15 (Register)
- Thursday, June 19 (Register)
- Thursday, July 17 (Register)
- Thursday, August 21 (Register)
- Thursday, September 18 (Register)
- Thursday, October 16 (Register)
- Thursday, November 20 (Register)
- Thursday, December 18 (Register)
- Location
- Sessions are held at the Community Center @ Belvidere
- 301 Second Street, Belvidere, NJ 07823 (Map Here).
- Parking is on the street, but not usually a problem. Please be mindful of local parking regulations specifically parking 25' from the crosswalk.
- We are happy to accommodate testing sessions for those with functional needs by special arrangement. Please contact us directly to discuss how we can facilitate a test session.
- Registration
- Online Registration courtesy of www.hamstudy.org
- Alternate registration via exam@wc2fd.com or 424-272-1622
What to bring to an Exam Session:
- Photo ID
- Basic Calculator
- Pen/Pencil and blank scrap paper
- Photo Copy of any existing Amateur Radio license or CSCE
- Your FCC FRN#
- NOTE: We now require you to have an FRN to test with us. If you don't already have an FCC FRN. we recommend applying for one prior to the exam. It makes the paperwork easier and eliminates the need to disclose your SSN. Instructions on applying for an FRN can be found at this FCC website:(FCC FRN FAQ PAGE)
- If you do not yet have any FCC License, you can register to obtain an FRN prior to your exam via FCC CORES NOTE: The session registration process will also assist you in obtaining an FRN. DO NOT request an FRN if you already have one.
Study Materials
Good study references in addition the the ARRL or Gordon West books (Amazon.com is a good source) include:
License Study Guides
- The No-Nonsense Technician-Class License Study Guide(pdf) (courtesy of KB6NU)
- General Class Study Guide (pdf) (courtesy of KB6NU)
- Extra Class Study Guide (pdf) (courtesy of AD7FO)
We tell most people they are ready for the exam when they consistently score over 85-90% on the practice tests.
After the Exam
- Effective April 19, 2022: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will impose a $35 application fee.
- The fee will apply to new, renewal, and modification applications that request a new vanity call sign.
- Administrative updates, such as a change of name, mailing or email address, and modification applications to upgrade an amateur radio licensee’s operator class, will be exempt from fees.
- You will NOT be asked to pay nor can we payment for this fee at exam time.
- You will receive an email with instructions on how to make payment using the FCC Registration System
- The FCC's authority to impose and collect fees is mandated by Congress. This legislation was part of the "RAY BAUM'S Act" included in H.R.1625 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018
- Effective February 17, 2015 the FCC no longer automatically mails paper licenses by default.
- An active record in the FCC Universal License System (ULS) is your authorization to operate.
- The FCC provides an official copy of your license in the form of a .pdf file that you can print yourself.
- You can get this .pdf file in one of two ways:
- 1. Provide an e-mail address on your NCVEC Form 605 application. The FCC will then e-mail the .pdf file to you when the application is granted.
- 2. Use your FCC Registration Number (FRN) to log into the ULS and download the .pdf file of your current license. See the BLUE arrows in the example here
- You can still have a paper copy of your license mailed to you by the FCC by logging into the ULS and selecting the option to always receive paper licenses. See the RED arrows in the example here
- If you do not yet have any FCC License, you can register to obtain an FRN prior to your exam via FCC CORES and then follow the step above before you take your test.
- In any case, selecting the option to receive paper licenses WILL NOT cause the FCC to automatically mail you a paper copy of any existing or current license. A paper copy will only be mailed when there is a change to your license such as: a new grant, an upgrade or a renewal.
- You can request a current copy be mailed at any time via the ULS. See the GREEN arrow in the example here
- The FCC no longer uses special watermarked paper to print licenses. They now print on plain, re-cycled white paper.
- Therefore, there is NO DIFFERENCE between a paper license mailed by the FCC and a license that you print yourself from the .pdf file.
Please let us know if you have any questions, or require any assistance preparing for your exam.
- exam@wc2fd.com
- +1 (424) 272-1622 (Phn or SMS)
721st Mechanized Contest Battalion VE Team